UK VoIP Geographic Numbers Maximize

UK VoIP Geographic Numbers


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UK VoIP Geographic Numbers

UK VoIP Geographic Numbers
55 Reviews
6 reviews

£35.99 exc. VAT
£43.19 inc. VAT
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GBP Euro US Dollar
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Availability: Instant Activation

For £35.99 per year you can choose to have a UK Geographic number. This allows people to call you from UK landlines and mobiles at the standard rates for their telephone service.

More on our VoIP for Business services.

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Videos - About VoIPVn Services
  Low Cost, Fully Featured Business VoIP
  Low Cost   No Contracts   Flexible, 24 hrs
  • No fixed costs
  • Pay by usage only
  • No line rental
  • Low international rates
  • Low domestic rates
  • No peak times
  • No contracts
  • No installation charges
  • No moving fees
  • No obligation
  • Never pay more than
    you wish to use
  • Configure online
  • Topup at any time
  • Auto topup available
  • Numbers " " credit auto
    activate, day " " night
Plus all these great features...


How does it work?

With VoIPVn geographic numbers you receive free registration to our SIP/IAX subscription service (you get a SIP address) and a host of other features:

Videos - About VoIPVn Services
Just some of the great features of our VoIP services..
Play Video A Guide to... Setting up a new Account and Number
Play Video A Guide to... How to Top Up " " Auto Top Ups
Play Video A Guide to... Setting up your Dial Plan

UK Charges - Summary
Call TypePeak*Off-PeakWeekend 
Geographic 1.2 0.9 0.9  
Mobile from 11.4 11.4 11.4  
Local rate (0845)^ 4.6 4.6 4.6  
National rate (0870) 1.2 1.0 1.0 * Peak time is 8am to 6pm
^ Connection charge 2.5 pence

You can call ALL these countries for as little as 1.5 pence per minute!
Argentina Denmark Israel Poland
Australia France Italy Portugal
Belgium Germany Luxembourg Singapore
Canada Greece Netherlands Spain
China Hong Kong New Zealand Taiwan
Cyprus Hungary Norway USA

Don''t Forget...
The above countries are what we call lo-cost which, at 1.5p per minute is fantastic value BUT, if you are calling to another VoIP user, the call is FREE!

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UK VoIP Geographic Numbers

UK VoIP Geographic Numbers

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