XE4000 - Heavy duty Asterisk-based IP-PBX
Heavy-duty, stand-alone, pre-configured, out-of-the-box Asterisk-based IP PBX
The XE4000 is a heavy-duty, stand-alone, pre-configured, out-of-the-box Asterisk IP PBX optimized for businesses with high call volumes and / or additional communication applications. It supports various combinations of telephony ports via Astribank units connected via USB2.
The XE4000 features an Intel Xeon 3.2GHz CPU, a SuperMicro motherboard, 8 GB RAM (upgradeable to 16 GB); 2x Hitachi 1TB SATA disks (upgradeable to 4 disks), RAID controller, housed in a 2U SuperMicro chassis with built-in redundant power supply. It supports up to up to 960 PSTN/analog phones ports, up to 24 digital ports, up to 1500 users and up to 880 concurrent calls (SIP only); 750 for PRI / FXS.
Note: This product is not yet commercially available.
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